Welcome to Fetakgomo-Greater Tubatse Website

Welcome to the FetakgomoTubatse Local Municipality Website. This is another platform that we are using to communicate with our constituencies and to inform and educate our stakeholders and clients on the activities that are taking place in our Municipality. We want to use this Website as a tool to market ourselves, forge good link with citizen and expose the brand to all the users. As the new entity we are still engaging in a process to gather more information that must be uploaded on the website and which is appealing to everyone. It is our commitments that the website will be updated regularly to keep our communities and clients abreast of any development.

As stated we would like to appeal to the users to be patient with us in relation to other information missing on the Website especially on Policies and other strategic documents. We are engaging in a process to rationalise Policies and strategic documents and will be available once approved by Council. As a point of reference the Websites of the two former Municipalities will remain active and a link has been created to navigate easily to them. They will remain active until such time that Council is satisfied with the information on the new Website.

We will welcome suggestions, comments and inputs towards improving the Look and Feel, content and all aspects of the Website to make it user friendly and appealing to users especially the Youth. Of importance our consolidated IDP and Budget are uploaded on the Website and we call upon our people to engage on the documents so that during the review period a meaningful contribution can be made to improve the level of service delivery and strengthening partnership with communities for development. Comments and inputs should be forwarded to Mr Rachidi Ngwato for consolidation at 013211125 or larachidi@tubatse.gov.za or ngwatorachidi@gmail.com

NB .Together Let us move FetakgomoTubatse Municipality Forward!!!!!!!

Once more you are mostly welcomed and please enjoy visiting our Website.